Wednesday, May 25, 2022

For Ignorant Christian Semitophiles

For those Christians who have blinders on when it comes to the nation of Israel, having been manipulated and brainwashed into worshipping the State of Israel and believing that they can do no wrong, I recommend you pick up a book titled The Cross of Bethlehem: The Memoirs of a Refugee.

Ro'i Tov is an Israeli political dissident living in Bolivia. A brilliant chemist, he was exiled because he converted to Christianity and socialized with Palestinians. He was attacked, injured, and robbed by Israelis in La Paz, Bolivia. His book, The Cross of Bethlehem, is a memoir of a Christian Israeli military officer caught in the crosshairs between a country that demands total obedience, even if that means firing on rock-throwing women and children, and following his conscience. In a story of faith and courage, tragedy and hope, Ro’i Tov shares the heartache of growing up an outsider in the tight-knit kibbutzim along the Jordan Valley. It is here that his sharp intelligence, instead of buying him the freedom he so desperately desired, trapped him in a company without a moral compass and a military that challenged his spiritual and moral beliefs. When he left Israel and threatened to tell the world what he had witnessed, he found himself on a high-stakes journey that took him from Thailand to China, from the US to South America.

From Ro'i Tov:

Christianity poses a singular threat to Jewish leadership. Universally, religion deals with salvation or redemption of the human soul. Judaism speaks about an ethnic salvation, provided the group fulfills the 613 Mosaic Laws written in the Pentateuch, the Bible's first five books. The laws' fulfillment is enforced and monitored by a dedicated group of priests.

In essence, the individuals' good-standing depends on the priests' judgment. As a result this is a powerful control tool over the general population. Since most of the population is not instructed on law, and moral values are not taught to them, they can be easily manipulated as per the priests' political goals at any given moment.

This became a model for the leaders of the young State of Israel. They created a country without constitution - nor set borders - in which laws could be changed quickly and unpredictably. Every citizen is in danger of becoming guilty of yesterday's crime which is today's law. A good relationship with the ever watchful authorities is the only assurance of receiving a redemptive wink.

It went even deeper. The tone of a typical Israeli conversation is highly ironic and displays a harsh and almost automatic criticism of the other person. Unlike  British humor, the Israeli never points this weapon at himself. Under such circumstances, no deed or word are good enough for achieving redemption - i.e. social acceptance by a fellow citizen.

The result is that people seldom relax and create nurturing, positive relations with their peers. Every conversation is a battlefield, every friend hides a foe. Every dispute or criticism may deteriorate and lead to excommunication and the loss of the promised redemption.

Even those who grew up far away from a religious education were heavily indoctrinated on the importance of collective identity. "We don't do that," and "We do this" are the ubiquitous and unquestioned mantras of Jewish-Israeli society.

People proclaimed the opinions of their ethnic and religious groups, using "we" more often than "I." By repeating the views expected of them Israelis spared themselves the need to think or express their true opinions.


Jesus broke up this line of reasoning. He taught about personal redemption based on faith and love, of having direct access to God through our prayers and thus of being independent from priests. He preached the Kingdom of God, a society based on justice and love. Such a society can exist within the framework of a modern state, but it would lead to the loss of power by the few men thriving under Pharisaic modeled societies.

The result was that Jesus was considered an enemy from the beginning. His teachings and the New Testament were banned. So were many of the prophets who had made clear allusions to a Messiah resembling Jesus and of a New Covenant based on love and forgiveness. Therefore, the Pharisaic and rabbinical communities restricted their studies and commentaries to the Pentateuch. The other Old Testament books became nothing more than historic literature.

Even in my quasi-Communist high school - which claimed to be secular - we skipped Chapter 53 of the Book of Isaiah, which contains the clearest and exact allusion to Jesus, His deeds and the New Covenant in the Old Testament. The original text in Hebrew is even clearer than most translations into Indo-European languages.  Isaiah's complex language always contains a subtext that is lost in the translations. In verse five, he doesn't only claim that His wounds would heal us, but he also hinted that we are healed by His companionship, delivering much of the Christian doctrine in just a few words.

Since it's difficult to attack a preaching of love and peace, the approach chosen by the Pharisees was complex. Jesus and His period were scarcely mentioned in Israeli history classes. Instead, greater emphasis was placed on deviant Christians who moved away from His teachings and committed atrocities.

The Spanish Inquisition was a central topic; the tortures were studied in excruciating detail. In that way, few of us would feel inclined to learn more about Christianity and the priests would keep their positions and the huge material and political benefits accompanying them. We were encouraged to fear Christianity.

The model was adopted by the State of Israel. For such a method to work in a modern state, two things were imperative. The first was a Jewish majority and thus the "Law of Return" granting immediate citizenship to any Jew immigrating to Israel was the first law legislated by the Israeli parliament.This created a new problem, namely defining "Who is a Jew?" which is still unresolved.

The second was giving the priests control over key points of citizens' lives: birth, marriage and burial. Even nowadays, these events are controlled exclusively by religious authorities while basic human rights are grossly ignored.

Judaism seeks salvation for a race; not for individuals. Collectivism (e.g. Socialism, Zionism and Communism) originates in the Jewish focus on ethnic redemption and explains why these movements have no moral compunction when dealing with perceived enemies of collective redemption. i.e. "the end justifies the means."

Jews and the State of Israel are not innocents. More often than not they are the instigators. This quote sums it all up very nicely:

"You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can't criticize Israel..." —Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache

People have witnessed Jews and the nation of Israel doing the unthinkable, and yet nobody calls them to task and holds them accountable. Nobody calls them out and exposes them. Why? Because Jews have been manipulating the deck for decades. When someone catches them in the act doing something despicable, they use Ad Hominem to go after the person and make them look bad, removing all eyes off of themselves, and thus discouraging any discourse that would illuminate the truth. When they commit atrocities and someone highlights it, they merely accuse that individual of "anti-semitism" and "hate crimes." This is the kind of tactic that the Devil employs. This is why Scripture refers to them as the Synagogue of Satan. They are just like magicians; they get you looking at one hand while the other hand pulls off the trick. While they make their opponents look bad, they can continue working in the darkness to accomplish their evil agendas.

Sadly, too many Christians have been brainwashed into supporting Israel without ever questioning them. They are unaware that the notes in the 1967 Scofield Reference/Study Bible are fraudulent. These notes are heavily Zionist-friendly, twisting Scripture and eisegeting it with nonsensical commentary. Abraham was told by God that He would bless whoever blessed him, and curse whoever cursed him. Zionists have attempted to twist this passage into support for the State of Israel, claiming that whoever supports Israel will be blessed and whoever curses Israel will be cursed. This is complete eisegesis of the passage. Abraham was neither an Israelite, nor a Judaite (a "Jew"). This statement has nothing to do with the current nation of Israel. If more Christians would learn how to read, and question imposed commentary notes in so-called "study" Bibles, this kind of embarrassing interpretation would disappear rapidly.

If you are a Semitophile who has been manipulated and brainwashed into thinking the State of Israel can do no wrong, worshipping it and the Jews like some sort of god, I have some passages I want you to read, pay attention to, and ponder promptly:

Ephesians 2:11-3:13
Romans 2:28-29
Romans 9:6-8
Romans 11:17-24
Galatians 3:7, 16, 26, 29
Hebrews 8-10

Notice how the Bible, God's Holy Word, teaches completely contrary to what you have been taught and led to believe? These are not the only New Testament passages I can provide you with that utterly obliterate the Jewish myths you have been conditioned to believe. It is about time you started paying attention to what it is you are reading, O professing Christian, and paying attention to the immediate and historical context. Zionist interpretations have no foundations in, and cannot be sustained from, Scripture.

When you read Romans 11:26, you think that ethnic Jews, the State of Israel, will be saved. Not so! Try carefully reading and paying attention to the words spoken in verses 17-24. Apply Romans 2:28-29 and 9:6-8 to the unbelieving Jews. After everything that is said in verses 17-24, about the believing gentiles (nations) being grafted in with the believing Jews, what do you supposed is meant by "and in this way all Israel will be saved"? Go on, think about it; I know you can get it. You just do not want to admit it, because that would mean admitting that you were wrong and you were duped by false theology for so long. "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling." "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall."