Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Devil's Agents

The majority of these names are nothing but mouthpieces for the devil; they are agents for the devil. They are running a Ponzi Scheme, robbing the desperate, the lonely, the isolated, and the ignorant. They are promising you the very things that the unregenerate heart and the flesh already desire. Do you know what does not show up in the list of desires that they promote? Brokenness, humility, penitence, sacrifice, unselfishness, virtue, love, holiness, worship, Heaven. Why would they promote Christ-likeness when they can promote worldly desires like fame and fortune? Paul's letter to the Corinthians acknowledged that Satan appears as an angel of light and his agents disguise themselves as ministers of light. This should not be a surprise to us. Yet, many professing Christians lack any degree of discernment and think that anyone who names the name of Jesus must belong to Him. If only they spent more time in the Word, especially the New Testament, and less time doing whatever else they waste their time with; the idols they have made more important in their lives than the Lord Jesus and His Word. Books like The Shack and The Secret teach utter heresy that opposes and contradicts the Word of God. They contain New Age elements among their various other errors and heresies, including heresies taught by Eckhart Tolle. If you follow Joel Osteen's book Your Best Life Now does not mention Jesus even once because Jesus is not part of that teaching. If you believe Osteen's theology, then this will be your best life, because the life to come will be Hell. Osteen teaches you to "eat, drink, and be merry." People who desire what he has to offer are not Christians. They are deceived, pursuing "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life." Avoid these men and women like the plague!

Ché Ahn
Jennie Allen
Neil Anderson
Paul & Andi Andrew
Tomi Arayomi
Herbert Armstrong
John & Carol Arnott
John Avanzini
Mel & Desiree Ayres
Jimmy Baker
Rolland & Heidi Baker
Marlyne Barrett
Mark Batterson
Rob Bell
Todd Bentley
Kenton Beshore
Mike Bickle
Tudor Bismark
Nadia Bolz-Weber
Shawn Bolz
Greg Boyd
Rodney Howard Brown
Juanita Bynum
Christine Caine
Stacie Campbell
Harold Camping
Tony Campolo
Ergun Caner
Charles Capps
Timothy Bruce "Bruxy" Cavey
Morris Cerullo
Steve Chalke
Mahesh Chavda
David Yongii Cho
Shane Claiborne
Randy Clark
Kim Clement
Tracey Cook
Graham Cooke
Kenneth & Gloria Copeland
Paul Crouch
John Crowder
Jim Cymbala
Jennifer Kennedy Dean
Creflo Dollar
Francois Du Toit
Jesse Duplantis
Debbie Eaton
Lou Engle
Rachel Held Evans
Russel & Sam Evans
Margaret Feinberg
Charles Finney
Don Finto
Richard Foster
Jentezen Franklin
Steven Furtick
Daniel Fusko
Charlotte Gambil
Eric Geiger
Jack Graham
Trisha Graves
Jessi Green
Craig Groeschel
Nicky Gumbel
David Guzik
Mimi Haddad
John Hagee
Ted Haggard
Kenneth Hagin
Nick Hall
Lisa Harper
Michael & Carol Hart
Jen Hatmaker
Jack Hayford
Eric Heard
Nate Heitzig
Skip Heitzig
Jack Hibbs
Marilyn Hickey
Benny Hinn
Ed Hindson
Zane C. Hodges
David Hogan
Bryan & Bobbie Houston
Cindy Jacobs
T. D. Jakes
Brad Jersak
Bill Johnson
Brian & Jenn Johnson
Tony Jones
Rick Joyner
Bianca Juarez Olthoff
Haron Kaisa
John P. Kelly
E. W. Kenyon
Erin Kerr
Patricia King
David Koresh
Michael Koulianos
Greg & Val Kurjata
Madeleine L'Engle
Nora Lam
Greg Laurie
Jennifer LeClaire
Witness Lee
Carl Lentz
Aaron Levy
Banning Liebscher
Heather Lindsey
David Lister
Eddie Long
Anne Graham Lotz
Levi Lusko
Rebekah Lyons
David Mainse
Zach Manis
Texx Marrs
Molly Marshall
John C. Maxwell
Brian McLaren
Adam Mesa
Diego & Cindy Mesa
Eric Metaxas
Joyce Meyer
Brent Miller, Sr.
Donald Miller
John Milton*
Kelly Minter
Jen Miskov
Miles Monroe
Beth Moore
Hayley Morgan
Robert Morris
Malcolm Muggeridge
Mike Murdock
Arnold Murray
Raechel Myers
Shauna Niequist
Henri Nouwen
Bianca Olthoff
John Ortberg
Joel & Victoria Osteen
Doug Pagitt
Rod Parsley
Earl Paulk
Norman Vincent Peale
Fred Phelps (and family)
Cal Pierce
Chuck Pierce
Peter Popoff
James A. "Jacob" Prasch
Frederick Price
Joseph Prince
Bob Proctor
Shane Pruitt
Chris Quilala
Chris Quintana
Rodney Reeves
Raul Reis
Ryan Reis
Sarah Jakes Robers
Oral Roberts
Richard Roberts
Pat Robertson
James Robison
Samuel "Sammy" Rodriguez
Richard Rohr
Sid Roth
Jennifer Rothschild
Ricky Rush
Charles Taze Russell
Gabriel Salguero
Robert Schuller
Susie Shellenberger
Priscilla Shirer
Ed Silvoso
Brian Simmons
Walid Shoebat
Joseph Smith
Judah Smith
David J. Stewart
Diana Stone
Perry Stone
Tim Suttle
Jimmy Swaggart
Wes Tameifuna
Leroy Thompson
Phillis Tickle
Robert Tilton
Jack van Impe
Kris Vollotton
Ann Voskamp
Derek Vreeland
Alexis James Waggoner
C. Peter Wagner
Sheila Walsh
Raphael Warnock
Thomas Wesley Weeks, III
Stovall & Kerri Weems
Ellen G. White
Randy & Paula White
Todd White
Bruce Wilkinson
Dallas Willard
Amanda Bible Williams
John Wimber
Oprah Winfrey
Andrew Wommack
Philip Yancey
Brigham Young
Ed Young
Sarah Young
William P. Young
Michael Youssef
Brian Zahnd

Avoid music and ministry from these "churches":

Bethel Church
Celebration Church
Elevation Church
Gateway Church
Hillsong Church
Lakewood Church
Passion Church
Planetshakers Church
Saddleback Church