Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Death Blow to the Abortion Debate

"If men fight and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely . . . [and] if any lasting harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot." Exodus 21:22-23

Abortion is not new, and it certainly is not a 20th century problem. Abortion has existed since at least the Roman Empire, and likely long before that. There are no new sins. Man has been dealing with them for his entire existence. These sins have merely taken on different names or attempted different arguments as justification for them. For example, the 20th century attempts to argue for "committed, faithful and loving monogamous partnership" of homosexuals, but sodomy is sodomy and it is all condemned as a perversion and an abomination by Yahweh almighty (see Death Blow to the Homosexual Debate). A "committed, faithful and loving monogamous partnership" does not change what it is. Would this argument be used to support every form of incest?

Tomi Lahren, a Republican, professes to be a Christian, but she also says, "I'm a pro-choice conservative." On May 16, 2019, she tweeted, "I will be attacked by fellow conservatives for saying this, but so be it, this Alabama abortion ban is too restrictive. It doesn't save life, it simply forces women into more dangerous methods, other states or countries. You don't encourage life via blanket government mandate!" In response to a woman who called her "anti-Christian, anti-family, and anti-freedom," Tomi responded, "If you think banning abortion with no exception for rape or incest will stop women from terminating pregnancy, you're not being honest with yourself. P.S. you're not God so don't you dare evaluate my Christian faith based on your moral superiority complex." Sorry, Tomi, but your views on abortion are anything but "Christian faith."

Tomi needs to be honest with herself. Banning abortion will not prevent those who desire to terminate the infant life in their womb, but that does not mean we should legalize abortion. Should we legalize rape and murder, too? After all, laws that prohibit rape and murder do not prevent rapists and murderers from raping and murdering. Maybe we should eliminate all gun laws, too, since criminals do not obey them. Apparently, Tomi needs an education in logic and critical thinking. The lawless never obey the law, but that does not mean that we should become a lawless society. That is both ludicrous and asinine.

For a so-called "Christian," Tomi Lahren's views are completely contradictory to the Lord Jesus, Yahweh's Word, and early Christianity. Observe:

"You shall not kill the child by obtaining an abortion. Nor, again, shall you destroy him after he is born." —Barnabas (c. 70-130, E)

"You shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill one who has been born." —Didache (c. 80-140, E)

"They bear children, but they do not destroy their offspring." —Letter to Diognetus (c. 125-200)

"We say that those women who use drugs to bring on abortion commit murder. And we also say they will have to give an account to God for the abortion. So on what basis could we commit murder? For it does not belong to the same person to regard the very fetus in the womb as a created being (and therefore an object of God's care)—yet when he has passed into life, to kill him. We also teach that it is wrong to expose an infant [the practice of abandoning infant children along roadsides]. For those who expose them are guilty of child murder." —Athenagoras (c. 175, E)

"Fathers, forgetting about their children who have been exposed, often unknowingly have intercourse with a son that has debauched himself and with daughters who are prostitutes." —Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E)

"Although keeping parrots and curlews, the [pagans] do not adopt the orphan child. Rather, they expose children who are born at home. Yet, they take up the young of birds. So they prefer irrational creatures to rational ones!" —Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E)
Gee! What does this sound like? This sounds like today, where Westerners cry a foul over the "rights" of animals and treat animals with more dignity than they do a child in the womb. "Save the animals! Kill the children!" is the mantra of the West today.

"What cause is there for the exposure of a child? The man who did not desire to beget children had no right to marry at all. He certainly does not have the right to become the murderer of his children, because of licentious indulgence." —Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E)

"In our case, murder is once for all forbidden. Therefore, we may not destroy even the fetus in the womb, while as yet the human being derives blood from other parts of the body for its sustenance. To hinder a birth is merely a speedier way to kill a human. It does not matter whether you take away a life that has been born, or destroy one that is not yet born." —Tertullian (c. 197, W)

"First of all, you [pagans] expose your children, so that they may be taken up by any compassionate passer-by, to whom they are quite unknown!" —Tertullian (c. 197, W)

"Although you are forbidden by the laws to kill newborn infants, it so happens that no laws are evaded with more impunity or greater safety. And this is doe with the deliberate knowledge of the public." —Tertullian (c. 197, W)

"Among surgeons' tools there is a certain instrument that is formed with a nicely-adjusted flexible frame for first of all opening the uterus and then keeping it open. It also has a circular blade, by means of which the limbs within the womb are dissected with careful, but unflinching care. Its lasting appendage is a blunted or covered hook, by which the entire fetus is extracted by a violent delivery. There is also a copper needle or spike, by which the actual death is brought about in this treacherous robbery of life. From its infanticide function, they give it the name, "killer of the infant"—which infant, of course, had once been alive." —Tertullian (c. 210, W)

"Indeed, the Law of Moses punished with appropriate penalties the person who causes abortion. For there already exists the beginning stages of a human being. And even at this stage, [the fetus] is already acknowledged with having the condition of life and death, since he is already susceptible to both." —Tertullian (c. 210, W)

"Are you to dissolve the conception by aid of drugs? I believe it is no more lawful to hurt a child in process of birth, than to hurt one who is already born." —Tertullian (c. 212, W)

"I behold a certain ceremony and circumstance of adultery. On the one hand, idolatry precedes it and leads the way. on the other hand, murder follows in company. . . . Witness the midwives, too! How many adulterous conceptions are slaughtered!" —Tertullian (c. 212, W)

"There are some women who, by drinking medical preparations, extinguish the source of the future man in their very bowels. So they commit murder before they bring forth. And these things assuredly come down from the teaching of your gods." —Mark Minucius Felix (c. 200, W)

"Women who were reputed believers began to resort to drugs for producing sterility. They also girded themselves around, so as to expel what was being conceived. For they did not wish to have a child by either a slave or by any common fellow—out of concern for their family and their excessive wealth. See what a great impiety the lawless one has advanced! He teaches adultery and murder at the same time!" —Hippolytus (c. 225, W)

"The womb of his wife was hit by a blow of his heel. And, in the miscarriage that soon followed, the offspring was brought forth, the fruit of a father's murder." —Cyprian (c. 250, W)

"I cannot find language to even speak of the infants who were burned to the same Saturn!" —Lactantius (c. 304-313, W)

[Speaking of Pagans:] "They either strangle the sons born from themselves, or if they are too "pious," they expose them." —Lactantius (c. 304-313, W)

"Let no one imagine that to strangle newborn children is allowable. For this is the greatest impiety! God breathes into their souls for life, not for death. Mean . . . deprive souls that are still innocent and simple, of the light that they themselves have not given. . . . Or can those persons be considered innocent who expose their own offspring as pray for dogs? As far as their participation is concerned, they have killed them in a more cruel manner than if they had strangled them! . . . Therefore, if anyone is unable to bring up children because of poverty, it is better to abstain from marriage than to mar the work of God with wicked hands." —Lactantius (c. 304-313, W)

"You shall not slay your child by cause abortion, nor kill the baby that is born. For "everything that is shaped and has received a soul from God, if it is slain, shall be avenged, as being unjustly destroyed" [Ezek. 21:23, LXX]." —Apostolic Constitutions (compiled c. 390, E)

Infanticide—abortion, the murder of a child in the womb—is always wrong, Christian! It does not matter whether the child is the result of rape or incest, there is no excuse for obliterating the life of an innocent child! Punish the guilty party, not the child! Are you aware of just how many famous people the world over would never have existed if you aborted every child who was the result of rape or incest? Research it some time! Anyone who attempts to call themselves a "Christian" who argues in favour of abortion had best examine and re-evaluate themselves because they are opposed to Yahweh almighty; they have made themselves His enemies. Not only are Tomi Lahren's views inconsistent with the Republican Party's stance (historically), but they are also extremely inconsistent with Christianity. Again, sorry, Tomi, but your views on abortion are anything but "Christian faith."

If you profess to be a Christian, you need to start being counter-cultural just as the early Christians were! You need to evaluate your life and start living according to Jesus' words, and stop trying to make excuses for yourself! Christianity is not something that is "cool"; you need to consider the cost of what it means to follow Jesus (Luke 14:27-28; cf. Matt. 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23; 2 Tim. 3:12), and then surrender all to Him. Your life is forfeit for Christ: "Whoever seeks to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life [for My sake and the gospels] will preserve it" (Luke 17:33; cf. Matt. 16:25; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24). Many who profess Christ today have no clue what it means to actually be a Christian. They are looking for some sort of benefit in this world, because false teachers have sold them a lie. The early Christians had their eye on eternity, considering the present persecution to be nothing in comparison with eternity. If they were to suffer for 70 years for the name of Jesus, it was considered a short period of time compared with eternity, and they were willing to endure it.