Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Upsetting the Status Quo

The establishment fears people like me because we upset the status quo. By "establishment" I am speaking of the organized religious institutions falsely calling themselves "churches" under some semblance of "Christianity."

I am nobody, at least in the eyes of men. I am nothing special and have nothing special to offer. But, because I expose their deeds of darkness and challenge their power, positions, popularity, and pay checks, offered to them by their false religious systems, they attempt to shoot the messenger by hating me (a very un-Christ-like attitude) and fallaciously trying to label me a "heretic."

Because the truth is not on their side, and they are incapable of having a serious, mature, respectful, intelligent, rational, honest conversation concerning the issues I raise against their man-made traditions and proof-texted theological interpretations, they have to resort to denial, deflection, projection, manipulation, smearing, gaslighting, jamming, framing, ad hominem, name calling, character assassination, and the use of fallacious arguments that have no basis in reality. Because they have been exposed, and because they are unable to argue the main point and can never provide a reasonable refutation or an intelligent counter-argument, they have to go after my character in order to circumvent what I am saying, in order to dodge and evade the issues, which is merely a confession of intellectual bankruptcy on their part. In other words, they speak by way of the Devil.

Such people can hate me and attack me personally as much as they want. I will continue to love them as Jesus loved me, because that is what my Saviour taught me to do. As I have said before, I will not attempt to play the victim and falsely call it "persecution." People disagreeing with you or attacking your character is not "persecution." The people who pretend that it is and cry a foul betray their own ignorance. When they start beating you physically, nailing you to crosses, hanging you from trees, feeding you to animals, boiling you in oil, or any other means of torturing you because of your faith, then, and only then, can you claim that you are being persecuted.

Yes, I suppose when compared to their false religious systems I would be considered a "heretic," but when compared to the beliefs, practices, and traditions of the apostles and the early Christians (A.D. 70-300), these people are the real heretics. When you believe a lie, of course the truth will appear "heretical" to you. When you are insane, of course sane people will appear "heretical" to you. If you are an agoraphobic mysophobe (germaphobe), of course everyone else not constantly paranoid of bacteria will seem out of their mind to you. Observe the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses; they believe complete and utter nonsense (Mormon's believe Jesus is Lucifer's spiritual brother), and yet every other mainstream or evangelical denomination is considered a cult to them.

I am sorry if you do not have the character, integrity, honor, or fortitude to be able to acknowledge your wrong doctrines and beliefs and to humbly conform them, and yourself, to biblical truth. That is not my problem. You are the one who will stand before God and give account. For the past 20 years or so, my prayer has always been that regardless of how I was raised, regardless of what I was taught, and regardless of what I presently believe, that God would reveal His truth to me and help me to conform myself and my beliefs to that truth. We are to conform to Scripture; Scripture never conforms to us! It boggles my mind how so many Christians are afraid of admitting they were wrong and of changing themselves. Pride truly is the grandest of all sins.

As I read and study the early Christians and what they believed, I will no doubt write articles to refute some of my previous articles. At some point, I will likely also delete some of my previous articles that would be considered heresy by the early Christians, so that they will not hurt my brothers and sisters in the faith who are not as strong as I am and have not yet arrived at the same point as I have. Anyone who has followed this blog from the beginning, since 2010, can easily see how some of my beliefs have changed and matured over time. Those who are not familiar with me might be surprised to know that I was brought up under, and defended, Dispensational doctrines until just over 15 years ago. As I studied my Bible, their doctrines began to develop some severe holes. As such, I had to let them go and conform to Scripture.

My beliefs then began to align with Reformed doctrines. Most recently, having been reading the early Christians, I discovered that a lot of the "Reformed" beliefs actually originated with the Gnostics, which the early Christians rejected as heresy. Not only that, but several passages of Scripture contradict Calvinistic theology. Once again, I had to let them go and conform to Scripture.

As I have also said before, I am not saying that there are no true believers in these false religious systems, or that I am the only true Christian. I know for a fact that there are genuine believers in Christ Jesus who have been seduced and deceived by these organized religious institutions. People will foolishly ask, "If they're not from God, then why do they exist?" Yahweh uses a great many imperfect and erroneous things in order to accomplish His will. Including us. We could screw up a gospel encounter royally, and Yahweh can still use it for His glory.

If you truly know Christ Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, and your life reflects Him through obedience to His commands and holiness in living, and you are starving for genuine Christian fellowship, then please reach out to me. I would love to get to know you. As with the Colossians before me (and arguably the Ephesians, depending what you believe about this letter), I love all the saints, regardless of their denominational background. Feel free to contact me through my website: https://timothyklaver.com

As for all you "elders" falsely called, and all you sheeple who would blindly defend these "elders" to your own error, are you wiser than Yahweh? You are 1,900 years removed from the apostles, and yet you think you know more than they did? That your proof-texted theological interpretations ignoring context are correct? The early Christians (A.D. 70-300) were a few decades removed from the apostles, and yet you think they were ignorant? That they did not understand the faith, or Yahweh's word? The arrogance! A simple comparison of their lives with yours will reveal you to be spiritually weak and ignorant. They walked what they talked. You are afraid of persecution and have embraced a false doctrine that says you will be "raptured" before you ever have to endure persecution and the testing of your faith. The last two years served as an excellent example of the kind of professed faith you have and how you would fare under persecution. Governments told you to shut your doors and you tucked your tail and complied for fear of persecution. You essentially paid tribute to Caesar in order to avoid persecution. Your actions have spoken loud and clear for your "faith."

Sorry, but what the "church" has taught for the past 1,700 years compared to what the Lord's Congregation taught for the first 300 years, I will take the early Christians any day of the week. If you think you have "refined" doctrine for the past 1,700 years, your ignorance betrays you. I pray Yahweh grips your heart, removes the scales from your eyes, humbles your pride, and allows you to see and embrace His truth. If you insist on opposing Yahweh and attempting to defend your godless religious systems, then I wish you the best of luck. I will continue to love you and pray for you.

Yahweh did not give us church buildings. Yahweh did not give us a hierarchical priestly caste. Yahweh did not tell us to pay our "elders." The early Christians have spoken, and the two centuries following the life of Jesus and the apostles oppose such things. These things have their origin, and became entrenched, with Emperor Constantine. Everything about them, and about our "worship" services, have their origins in paganism. If you were not trying to find support for them from the Bible by engaging in proof text methodology, you would be able to see this clearly. I pray Yahweh helps you.

May the grace of Yahweh be on all who seek the truth and to be obedient to the words of Jesus.