Trolls are to be ignored. Do not speak to them or of them. Anything else will encourage them.
Why would you want to spend HOURS of your life debating energy sucking vampires and delusional crazy people who refuse to argue the main point and can never provide a reasonable refutation or intelligent counter-argument, and are incapable of having a serious, mature, respectful, intelligent, rational, honest conversation?
For 10 years, I debated worldviews and religions in comment sections, wasting HOURS of my life daily. I gave up comment-section debates 15 years ago for better pursuits. Now, I just post facts. If you like it, great; if you don't, fine. I'm NOT here to impress you!
You do not owe any of your time, energy, nor emotions to these people who are disconnected from reality and rely on denial, deflection, IMAX-level projection, censorship, "cancelling," manipulation, smearing, gaslighting, jamming, framing, ad hominem, name calling, character assassination, attempted intimidation, and the use of fallacious arguments that have no basis in reality.
Limiting replies is how mature, sane people filter out the drama, hatred, and intolerance of clueless clowns. These are the strong ones. They are not looking to have their ego stroked and they do not require validation from others. Time is too precious to be wasted on nonsense.
For your mental, physical, and spiritual health, it is best to stop reading and responding to social media comments, especially that of trolls. The amount of time (HOURS!) wasted on this can be monumental.
Also, you do not have to respond to every stupid person on the Internet—or at all.
Be your own person!