by Eric Hovind
Many people think that religion and science do not go together.
Often, they compartmentalize each into completely separate places in
their lives. Science, after all, is based upon observation and
testing—unquestionable facts. Right? Religion, on the other hand, is
based upon thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Science is material;
religion is immaterial. Science gives answers; religion causes problems.
Isn’t this the basic attitude towards the two?
Ultimately, anything that is untestable is put into the realm of religion.
We can observe the law of gravity. We can test the law of inertia. Of
course, these would not be considered religious. We cannot, however,
observe the Big Bang, nor can we test it. We have not witnessed a star
form. We have not seen life emerge from non-life.
The theories of origins—creation and evolution—are not observable nor are they testable. Thus, they are religious.
If you were to ask a Christian how God was created, he or she cannot
tell you. It must be taken by faith. If you were to ask an atheist where
the matter originated for the Big Bang, he or she cannot tell you. It
must also be taken by faith. Either you believe “in the beginning God” or you believe “in the beginning dirt.” Neither can be considered science; they both are religions.