Saturday, May 30, 2020

Difficult Truths You Need to Submit To

Dear Reader,

Here are some truths that you need to wrestle with and then submit yourself to (especially if you are of the Armenian persuasion):
  1. Every single individual person is not a child of God. Every single individual person is made in the image of God, but only those who have been adopted as sons and daughters through faith in Christ Jesus are children of God. To claim that we are all children of God is rank heresy. You are the child of the one whose will you seek to fulfill. As Jesus said to certain Jews, "You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father" (John 8:44). The lost and unbelieving are not children of God; they are children of the devil.
  2. God does not love every single individual person, or even love every single individual person equally. It was stated very clearly with regard to Jacob and Esau: "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated" (Mal. 1:2-3; Rom. 9:13). You can even see this among the disciples, such as Peter and John. God loves His own. He does not love the children of the devil. God is love, but love is not God. Stop creating a false god by trying to turn the concept or essence of love into a god and place it in the position of God. You quite obviously misunderstand what that verse means and are trying to force your false understandings upon it.
  3. God does not desire that each and every single individual person who has ever lived come to repentance and faith. Think about that! "My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure" (Isaiah 46:10). If God desired each and every single individual person to come to repentance and faith, obtaining salvation, and seeing as how His purposes and plans, His will, are always accomplished, you have an argument for the heresy of Universalism. God desires that His elect come to repentance and faith, and they will because He has purposed it, and His will is always accomplished.
  4. You do not possess a "free will." If Judas was foreordained, or predestined, to betray Jesus, he was unable to do anything but betray Jesus. Ergo, where was his supposed "free will"? Where was Nebuchadnezzar's supposed "free will" when God made him eat grass and act crazy for seven years? Where was Jonah's supposed "free will"? "Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness?" (Rom. 6:16). Without Christ, your will is slave to sin. A corpse cannot obey commands. Unless God makes you alive, you will not accept the Gospel; once He has made you alive, you can do nothing but accept the Gospel.
In other blog entries, I have greatly expanded upon these truths. These are just brief dealings with them. If you profess to be a Christian, but war against these truths in your heart and mind, then you might want to examine yourself more closely to see just how much of a Christian you truly are. You obviously have a desperate desire to reject the truths that Scripture makes plain, which comes from a heart of rebellion. Whenever Scripture says something and makes it clear, and you do not want to accept it or conform yourself to it, that comes from a rebellious and disobedient heart, which may indicate being merely religious and not a genuine follower of Christ.