Sunday, May 24, 2020

Gospel Preaching is ALWAYS Confrontational!

Gospel preaching is always confrontational! Any Christian who does not think so, does not understand the Gospel.

These Christians will say, "You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar."

True, but you can catch even more flies with dung than you can with honey! However, I am not in the business of catching flies. My business is the glory of God, the Gospel of God, and the souls of men. Whether of the unsaved who believe false things, or of the saved who believe false things, my business is to challenge what they have been taught and expose them to the truth. As Matthew Henry said,
Truth [is] not to [certain individual’s] taste. We all know how soon a man will contrive, against the strongest evidence, to reason himself out of the belief of what he dislikes.
The religious are just as guilty as the deceived on this point. Their stubborn pride and arrogance takes front-row seat to how they were raised, what they were taught, and what they presently believe. Precious few have the gift to examine these things and check them against Scripture. Some who do, when the church rejects their findings, and attempts to threaten them, ignore what has been revealed to them and submit to the errors of the church, falling in line like Yes-men.

Religious institutions, by and large, are a cancer. They have fallen so far from what it actually means, and looks like, to be the church. Of the 115 occurrences of the Greek word ekklesia in the New Testament, every single one refers to a gathering together, to an assembly, to a congregation. Not one single time does the word refer to a physical building.

You, Christian, are the church. Not some building. You cannot go to something you are.

Emperor Constantine was the first person to erect a building in order for saints to meet in. The construction of such a building gave legitimacy to the Christian religion, which was the only religion not to have a sacred temple, sacred objects, or a sacred priestly caste, as did every other religion including Judaism. Today, every single denomination has their sacred temple, their sacred objects, and their sacred priestly caste.

From Constantine through the Catholic Church, every denomination since then has retained elements of the Catholic system while ignoring the New Testament and the early Christians. Today, the ignorance of each of these denominations will attempt to argue in defense of their religious system and man-made practices. They will even attempt to pervert the Word of God by ripping random isolated verses out of context and forcing them to fit their agenda. Anathema upon such "Christians"!

Think about it! How much money went into building the sacred temple you meet in every worship day? Or, how much money did it require for you to purchase your sacred temple? How much money does your sacred temple require in order to manage it? You use it at least twice a week! How much money does it require for land taxes? How much money does it require for electricity? How much money does it require for water? How much money does it require for heating? How much money does it require for upkeep? Does all of that sound like good stewardship of your tithes? Not to mention, how much are you paying the priest or pastor?

Why does the priest or pastor of every denomination act like the MC or CEO while the rest of the congregation sits idly by, listening, taught to value lesser things? Every early Christian understood that he/she was a priest unto God. Go ahead, read your New Testament. The picture it paints is drastically different from the one you have been living and brainwashed to accept as part of your Christianity.

Guess what? If you challenge this sacred priestly caste, of any denomination, watch how quickly they turn on you. The religious did the same thing to Jesus the Messiah! When Jesus was on Earth, He, and Stephen after Him, made some negatively challenging statements concerning the Jewish temple. Both were charged with the same crime. The religious in your denomination will do the same to you as they did to your Master. Make no mistake about it!

Gospel preaching is always confrontational because you are challenging world views. Very few people want to admit that their world view is flawed and in error, thereby having to correct it. The path of least resistance is to simply continue believing how you were raised, what you were taught, and what you presently believe. God forbid you humble yourself and admit you have been wrong and then submit to the truth and conform yourself to it.

You jellyfish "Christians" with your cotton-candy theology and gospel can keep it. Genuine sons and daughters of the kingdom want the biblical Gospel; the one Paul told us was scandalous and foolish. The same Gospel, who anyone with intelligence when reading the New Testament can see, that was constantly confrontational. It confronted men—religious or non-religious—with their sin.

The biblical church, when men and women came together, communed together. One person did not have the floor while everyone else sat there listening, just to go home afterward. This stems from pagan rituals and practices, which the Catholic Church absorbed, and which other denominations still retain certain elements thereof today—including the Reformed churches and the Baptist churches.

God's church is starting to wake up. More and more Christians are leaving the institutional church to become the church as God had originally intended. Are you brave enough to confront your "Christianity" and challenge your idea of "church"? If it does not align with the New Testament and the early Christians, then what you have and follow is a counterfeit. You are just as religious as the Pharisees and Sadducees, and have just enough faith to condemn you. It is high time you lose your religion and that you win Christ. If you would rather have your religion than Christ, I wish you the best of luck. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."