Friday, August 21, 2020

Does Jesus Knock At Our Hearts?

"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." Revelation 3:20

Is Jesus a gentleman? Does He stand outside the door of our "hearts" knocking, and begging us to let Him in? This verse is frequently used as an evangelistic message, and yet it has nothing to do with an offer of salvation. Liberals rip this verse out of its immediate context and force it to mean something it does not.

Is Jesus a gentleman who merely knocks and does not force His way in? No, He is not! If you think that He is, try telling the apostle Paul that. Paul will theologically rip you up one side and down the other side. On the road to Damascus, Jesus kicked in the door to Paul's heart.

Jesus is not a "gentleman," He is God!

Not only that, but your heart does absolutely nothing except pump blood through your entire body. It does not believe, it does not think, it does not feel, and it does not want things. Those are faculties of the mind. Clichés regarding "the heart" seriously need to die, and Christians need to cease spewing this ridiculous garbage. Quite often, when the Bible talks about "the heart," it is speaking of your mind. Other times, it is speaking of the core, the center, of man. It never speaks of the organ beating in your chest and pumping blood throughout your body. "What is your heart telling you?" Nothing! That comes from your mind.

What is the context of Revelation 3:20? I am glad you asked. Here is a video that will explain it to you.