Friday, August 21, 2020

Shocking Beliefs of Charles Spurgeon!

Baptist and Reformed parties alike try to claim Spurgeon as their own. He was a unique individual to be sure. Apart from some of his erroneous theology, Spurgeon has some shocking, or rather surprising, beliefs, especially in contrast to positions held by many today.

  1. Spurgeon was never ordained and never thought ordination was important. He was not wrong. See God's Ordination Requires Not Approval of Men.
  2. Spurgeon was against "honourific" titles, and with good reason. They are unbiblical. See Do Not Revere A Reverend and Do Not Be Called "Pastor."
  3. Spurgeon did not allow music in worship.
  4. Spurgeon believed he heard God's voice, but never says whether it was audible or just an impression. When contemplating going to college, a passage of Scripture suddenly popped into his mind, which he took as being God's response to his contemplations.
  5. Spurgeon believed in supernatural healings of sicknesses. Likely not by means of laying hands on them the way the early apostles had, but through prayer.
  6. Spurgeon believed in giving prophetic words to people without knowing anything about them. See Cessationism and Signs and Wonders vs. Charismata.
  7. Spurgeon was against going into debt. How this is shocking to any Christian is beyond me, considering Scripture tells us to "owe no man anything." You cannot be a good steward when you owe for what was not yours in the first place.
  8. Spurgeon did not see smoking cigars as a sin, and said it could be done to the glory of God.
  9. Spurgeon was left-winged in his politics.

Some of these "shocking" beliefs of Spurgeon's are actually in line with Scripture, despite the positions of modern Baptist and Reformed parties. This is why I included links to some articles of mine. Over-reaction to bad doctrine or theology only results in more bad doctrine or theology. We need to base our beliefs on Scripture alone. The Cessationist party is contra biblical Scripture, while the Charismatic party engages in counterfeit gifts.