Monday, August 31, 2020

Wokeism Is A Religious Cult!

Wokeism is an odd religion. It teaches people to nurse grudges, cast blame, cultivate ill will against entire people groups, and deepen that personal sense of resentment. It is a canon of doctrine deliberately designed to provoke conflict, prolong resentment, and foster bitterness between different ethnicities. Wokeism encourages people to be offended by things that never actually happened to them—while blaming others for sins they did not actually commit. It doles out guilt and shame rather than grace and redemption. Though it is promoted by people who say they oppose ethnic strife, it is a blatantly prejudiced worldview, condemning entire ethnic groups for sins that were committed generations ago by people long dead. It attempts to hold current generations guilty for the sins of generations long since dead.

The notion that the Gospel can be improved by blending it with Wokeism is sheer folly, and shame on any Christian who attempts to unite the two. The "Woke" worldview is impossible to blend with Gospel truth—and its inevitable drift will take today's wanna-be-Woke evangelicals exactly where the social gospel of Walter Rauschenbusch took the mainline denominations in the twentieth century: into rank theological liberalism and unbelief. The "Woke" worldview is rooted in secularism—and arguably, Marxism. Its central claims and distinctive jargon are taken not from Scripture but from secular political discourse.

Have nothing to do with the "Woke" movement! It is another one of the devil's ploys and distractions. Keep your eyes focused on Christ!