Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Five-fold Lunacy

Charismatics have this concept of restoring the "five-fold ministry." Where does this concept come from? It comes from Ephesians 4:11.

"And He gave some as [1] apostles, and some as [2] prophets, and some as [3] evangelists, and some as [4] pastors and [5] teachers..."

First of all, these are not titles or positions within the Church; they are functions! These are gifts!

Second of all, "shepherds and teachers" (the correct interpretation here of the word poimen) is the exact same gift/function. It is introduced in the Greek with a single article. Teachers are shepherds.

While these false teachers and false prophets speak of their god restoring this "five-fold ministry," this verse actually reveals only four (4) functions! So Charismatics are trying to restore something that does not exist. Moreover, they are trying to "restore" something they clearly do not have an understanding of. For more information on this, please see these previous articles:

The website gives a rather unsatisfactory answer that is lacking in its understanding:

"What was the role of the apostles and prophets? It was to proclaim God’s revelation, to teach the new truth the church would need to grow and thrive. The apostles and prophets completed this mission. How? By giving us the Word of God. The Word of God is the completed revelation of God."

First, that is not the role of the apostles and prophets. Their sole purpose was not to give the complete revelation of God. That is a rather shallow and extremely small view of the purpose Jesus gave them! The apostles were missionaries, sent to evangelize the lost and plant churches. They were to start in Jerusalem and go to the entire world. Paul and Barnabas were members of the church in Antioch for several years before the church sent them on their apostolic/missionary journeys. When Jesus was walking with them, He first sent out the 12, then He sent out the 70. The 12 were later sent by Him as "apostles" (which is what the word apostolos means—"sent ones"), and others were sent later. The New Testament Scriptures record for us 23 apostles.

  1. Jesus — Hebrews 3:1
  2. Simon Peter — Matthew 10:2
  3. Andrew — Matthew 10:2
  4. James the son of Zebedee — Matthew 10:2
  5. John — Matthew 10:2
  6. Philip — Matthew 10:3
  7. Bartholomew — Matthew 10:3
  8. Thomas — Matthew 10:3
  9. Matthew — Matthew 10:3
  10. James the son of Alphaeus — Matthew 10:3
  11. Thaddaeus, or Judas the son of James — Matthew 10:3; Luke 6:16
  12. Simon the Zealot — Matthew 10:4
  13. Judas Iscariot — Matthew 10:4
  14. Matthias, the replacement for Judas — Acts 1:26
  15. Paul — Galatians 1:1
  16. Barnabas — 1 Cor. 9:5-6; Acts 14:4, 14
  17. James, the Lord's Brother — Galatians 1:19
  18. Silas (Silvanus) — 1 Thessalonians 1:1; 2:6
  19. Timothy — 1 Thessalonians 1:1; 2:6
  20. Epaphroditus — Philippians 2:25 [the Greek uses the word apostolos, but most English translations translate it as something other than apostle]
  21. Apollos — 1 Corinthians 4:6-9; 3:22
  22. Two unnamed apostles — 2 Corinthians 8:23

Titus was most likely an apostle, too (though Scripture never addresses him as such), because he had the same function as Timothy. Neither Timothy nor Titus were "pastors"; they were apostolic workers.

Second, you need to ask who these "prophets" were? I am guessing that most Christians would inform you that these are the Old Testament prophets. But does this make sense? If Jesus gave gifts to the His Church, of which apostles and prophets are a part of it, do you really think this is referring to the Old Testament prophets? Especially considering these same people will argue and tell us that the Church did not begin until Pentecost? How could Jesus give something to the Church before its existence? According to Scripture, Jesus gave these gifts to the Church after His ascension, so it has to be something other than the Old Testament prophets. In the book of Acts, when Paul was going to return to Jerusalem, some of the brothers prophesied of what would happen to him if he did. These individuals were prophets. They were not prophesying new revelation, however!