Thursday, March 17, 2022

A Sober Admonishment

If God's Word is not our only rule of faith and practice, if it is not the foundation beneath our feet, if we do not believe everything it says, then we have no right attempting to call ourselves "Christians" or "Jesus followers." We are nothing more than liars, charlatans, and frauds, and we make Jesus to be a liar as well. Either God's Word grips our heart, mind, body, and soul, or it has no hold on us whatsoever. Either that word—"Christian"—informs everything about our lives, or it informs nothing. The person who professes to be a Christian and attends religious services on Sunday, but conducts their business affairs dishonestly from Monday through Friday by use of cheating scales is living a heterodox life. If we profess to be "Christians," then we are Christians before we are anything else (parent, sibling, child, employer, employee, etc.), and being Christian informs everything we will ever put our hands to. If it does not, then we are not Christians!