Saturday, July 06, 2024

Baptist Eisegesis

Baptists are notoriously renown for eisegeting baptismal passages. Not only do they eisegete Romans 6:3-4, which has nothing to do with water baptism, let alone mode of baptism, but they also eisegete Colossians 2:12.

"... having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised Him from the dead. ... God made [you] alive together with Him..."

The "having been buried with Him in baptism" has nothing to do with mode of baptism! Do you know what Russian Matryoshkas dolls are? Inside each doll you will find another smaller doll until you reach the last smallest doll. This is an excellent way to help people understand what it means to be "in Christ". Whatever happens to the largest doll also happens to the dolls inside it.

Both Greek words bapto and baptizo appear in an ancient Greek pickle recipe. Both words are used to describe how the cucumbers take on the characteristics (the identity) of the vinegar. Our baptism is seen as the moment we are placed "in Christ", even though this actually occurs the moment you put your faith and trust in Him. We are being identified with Jesus. Like the matryoshkas dolls, when Jesus was crucified, we were crucified with Him; when Jesus was buried, we were buried with Him; when Jesus was resurrected, we were resurrected with Him; when Jesus sat down at the right hand of the Father, we sat down with Him. Not "positionally"—actually!

First Corinthians 10:2 talks about the Israelites being "baptized" into Moses. I am sorry, but the Israelites were never baptized. The water never touched them! Who did the water touch? The Egyptians. What happened to them? They died! So clearly this "baptism" is not referring to water baptism nor to mode of baptism. It is referring to identity! They were identified with Moses.

Not only that, but the Baptist's mode of baptism does not imitate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus in the least. First of all, His burial had nothing to do with anything because if He remained on the cross for three days and then resurrected, everything would have been accomplished in the exact same manner. Jesus' burial was like opening a closet door and being shoved inside. He was not buried 6-feet deep in the ground!

Baptists trying to fight for an "immersion only" baptism are fighting a losing uphill battle. Not only do they misinterpret and misunderstand the baptismal identity passages, but they fail to pay attention to the circumstantial evidence surrounding each case of baptism presented in the Scriptures. The reason bapto and baptizo were transliterated and never translated into a specific word, like "immersion", is because an examination of the Greek throughout all Greek history reveals that there is no set meaning to the word. In several cases, it is used in connection with ships at sea being sunk, never to break the surface again. In other words, your preacher should be drowning you! Who wants to volunteer first for this baptism?

Baptists, please learn how to read and pay attention to the context of Scripture and examine the details surrounding it instead of imposing your preconceived preconceptions upon the text. I no longer have any allegiance to any "church", denomination, religion, creed or confession of faith because I have found error in all of them. Where they agree with Scripture, I wholeheartedly agree with them, but where they deviate from Scripture because of their tendency to be selective, historically-conditioned, and often agenda-driven, I disagree with them vehemently. My allegiance is to Yahweh and Jesus alone.