Tuesday, July 09, 2024

The NEW Israel—Christ Jesus!

The “church” has not replaced Israel; Jesus is the NEW Israel!

When Israel was a child, I loved Him and called Him out of Egypt.Hosea 11:1

Matthew says this was fulfilled in the life of Jesus (2:15)! The “Israel of God” is Jesus!!! "National Israel" is nothing!

Have you ever noticed how the life of Jesus parallels the life of Old Covenant Israel?

  1. The King of kings was born in Bethlehem, the very place where David was crowned king of Israel. The magi following the star were looking for the baby who was born King of kings.
  2. After Jesus was born, He went to Egypt, just as Israel fled to Egypt to avoid death during a famine.
  3. Both national Israel and the NEW Israel (Christ Jesus) were "called out of Egypt."
  4. Jesus was baptized at the very location national Israel crossed the Jordan to enter Canaan.
  5. Before Jesus entered into His public ministry, He spent forty days in the wilderness, and before national Israel entered Canaan, they spent forty years in the wilderness.
  6. God gave the Old Covenant Law on a mountain (Sinai) through Moses, and He gave the new Law on a mountain through His Son (i.e.: "the Sermon on the Mount").
  7. National Israel has a history of disobedience to Yahweh and failure to meet the conditions of the Old Covenant Law, while the NEW Israel (Jesus) fulfilled every "jot and tittle" of the Law.
  8. The Law promised "blessings" from Yahweh for full obedience and punishment for disobedience to the Law. National Israel experienced constant punishments from Yahweh throughout the duration of the Old Covenant (ending in AD 70), but Jesus experienced and felt the full pleasure of His Father because of His perfect obedience.
  9. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law's festivals: born on the Feast of Tabernacles ("He tabernacled among us"), died on Passover, in the tomb during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, raised on the Feast of First Fruits, and sending the Comforter on Pentecost.

I have said it before, and I will say it again: not only is Jesus the second Adam, as Paul refers to Him, but He is also the second Israel. He succeeded on every point where they failed!

Jesus is the NEW Israel in the eternal New Covenant that Yahweh God has made with the world. Yahweh is now only concerned with whether or not people everywhere—Jew and gentile—embrace His Son.

When you promote "national Israel" over the NEW Israel (Christ Jesus), you are no different in your religion than any other anti-Christ religion. Faith that saves is Christo-centric (Christ-centered) and not Israel-centric (Israel-centered).

To support “national Israel” because of an ignorant belief (in a bankrupt theology) that God desires to re-establish the Old Covenant agreement with Israel is to spit in the face of Jesus, the Messiah of Yahweh. This belief is the epitome of ignorance and stupidity. "National Israel" is nothing to God anymore!

On Mount Tabor, the lawgiver of Israel (Moses) and the prophet of Israel (Elijah) appeared beside Jesus. “A cloud came, overshadowed them, and a voice came out of the cloud, “This is My beloved Son; LISTEN TO HIM!” (Luke 9:35). When the cloud disappeared, there was nobody but Jesus! Both the law and the prophets pointed to the person and work of Jesus. Yahweh told Peter, James, and John to ignore Moses and Elijah and to listen to Jesus: "This is My Son, My Chosen One; HEAR HIM! (akoute auton)" This event was symbolic of the coming reality. The Old Covenant was becoming obsolete and was fading away, to be replaced by a New Covenant. Today, there is nobody but Jesus! We are to listen to Jesus alone! "Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world" (Heb. 1:1-2).

If you support "national Israel," you don’t get it. You’ve missed it. You have no understanding. Your ignorance of Scripture is astounding and tragic. Why would you support Jews in their delusion of re-instituting the very rituals that Scripture says were merely shadows that pointed to Christ Jesus? The Jewish era, the Old Covenant, the Law was made obsolete and has been abolished. Please go read the book of Hebrews and get educated. Stop propagating Jewish myths!

Dispensationalists are enemies of Jesus. They are propagating a system fulfilled in and by Jesus that was made obsolete and has faded away and been abolished. They are spitting directly in Jesus' face by claiming a future restoration of this failed system of condemnation and death (2 Cor. 3:7-11). We are the temple of Yahweh, and He indwells us; there will be no rebuilt Jewish temple. Jesus was the sacrifice to end all sacrifices; there will be no return to sacrifices ("memorial" or otherwise). Paul makes all of this crystal clear in his letters, yet Dispenstationalists miss it.