Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Was Jesus Punished for Our Sins?


If you committed some sin earlier in the day or sometime during the week and things do not seem to be going your way, do you think that God is punishing you because of it? If you are desperately praying and seeking for a job or whatever the issue may be, and it does not seem that God is answering you, do you think He is punishing you because of some sin you have committed?

Let me ask you a question, Christian.

Did God punish Jesus for our sins? Yes or no?

How many of our sins did God punish Jesus for? One? Ten? One hundred? If we sin, does Yahweh punish us for those sins? If so, then what was the point in punishing Jesus for them? Was the punishment of Jesus not enough?

Either God's punishment of Jesus for our sins was enough or it was not. If you believe that when you sin God punishes you, then you also believe that Jesus' punishment was not enough; that God has to exact punishment from us, too. You basically believe that every time you sin, Jesus has to be re-crucified.

Jesus died once for all sin for all time! Period. If you are in Christ, if you trust and believe in His person and work, then when you sin it is not held against you. It has already been forgiven and it has already been forgotten. When Jesus was crucified, all your sins were future.

"Whoever believes in [Jesus] is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God." John 3:18

"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1

None of your sins are held against you, Christian! Past, present, or future. They were all put on Jesus, they were all forgiven, and they were all forgotten. Jesus accomplished everything on our behalf and in our stead. It is time you correctly understood the Gospel.

Many a preacher behind the pulpit has been LYING to you. They are ignorant of Scripture. They teach that which they have been programmed, conditioned, and brainwashed to by the schools that have put their marks upon them. It is time you break free from their control and start reading and studying the Bible for yourself apart from their influence. When you are reading and you have that "gut feeling" or "instinct" that something is not right, but you ignore it because what you have been TOLD to believe opposes this "feeling," that is the still small voice of the Holy Spirit trying to get your attention so that He can guide you into the truth, just as Jesus said He would do. When you ignore this "feeling," you are quenching the Holy Spirit. You are choosing to listen to the LIES rather than to become vulnerable and admit that you have believed wrongly for so long. Unless you start listening for the Spirit (and I am not talking about you falsely attributing your thoughts to being the Spirit), and having a willingness to reform yourself and your beliefs and conform them to the truths of Scripture, you will forever be enveloped with lies and false interpretations.