Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Rockefeller's Snake Oil

Before John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil came on the scene, Americans relied on mostly natural remedies to treat illness. Rockefeller would crush all competition by buying out pharmacies and forcing them to only carry oil-derived drugs; what was later coined as "Rockefeller medicine."

Since he had nearly infinite financial resources, he dropped his prices so low that mom-and-pop pharmacies were driven out of business. Buying up every newspaper in sight, he instructed them to sing the praises of his new line of drugs. His goal was to drive out all natural (unpatentable and unprofitable) medicines.

After this, America became dependent upon synthetic drugs that merely treat symptoms rather than the actual illness, and doctors became legalized drug dealers pushing harmful drugs on the public. Pharma has no interest in curing you because a patient cured is a customer lost.

Greed is a powerful motivator. If you want to get back to the roots of American medicine before Rockefeller's criminal enterprises, I suggest you start looking into Homeopathy and Naturopathy. You'll be amazed at what you find, and kicking yourself for having been deceived for so long. If you're the least bit humble, you'll even be apologetic to those you bad mouthed, slandered, and maligned because of the spell you were under by trusting Big Pharma.

Have you ever noticed that those who take the most medicines, supposedly meant to "help" them, are some of the sickest people walking around? Did you bother paying attention to the fact that they were more healthy before they started taking all these medications? People blindly trust their doctor as if he/she knows all and couldn't possibly be wrong, but what they are telling you is merely what they were taught. They're parroting what they were told rather than investigating for themselves and discovering the truth. Most doctors are dangerous because of this, but there are some amazing doctors out there who actually have intelligence and open minds to discover more beneficial means for treating the patients they genuinely care about.

20 years ago I was listening to a news broadcast where they acknowledged that they were just now learning the benefits of nature (I forget the exact wording now). The moment I heard those words, I was like, Duh! Indians and Chinese have been using natural herbal remedies for centuries and you're just discovering it now? The fact is, America used to know about these natural treatments, but were hypnotized and lulled to sleep by Rockefeller and Big Pharma, convincing them via propaganda that synthetic drugs were more reliable than natural remedies. If your ego isn't full of pride, now is the time for you to admit you were duped. I was.