Thursday, August 11, 2022

FACTS About the DPT “Vaccine”

DPT is Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (Whooping Cough).

“In late 1993, a TV program was aired called Vaccine Roulette. It covered many issues concerning the dangers of the DPT vaccine. For example, in 1975 it took only 2 deaths of Japanese children following inoculations using the American DPT vaccine to ban its use there forever. Strange as this may seem, this show in 1993 was simply a follow up program for a show on the dangers of DPT that was aired in 1982, which told the American public the exact same things. With all this threatening information out there, why was nothing done between the 11 years of these two programs? Why are American children still receiving the same DPT vaccine? From the show in 1982, called DPT, Vaccine Roulette:

studies conducted by Sweden and West Germany found so much brain damage following DPT shots that neither government recommends this vaccine in any way. The only US government study done in over 50 years confirmed these European findings, but these findings have made no impact on American vaccine programs whatsoever. The same US government study found that 1 in every 700 children had convulsions, or went into anaphylactic shock within 48 hours after their shot.

The AMA, head of propaganda for the medical cartel, responded to this show some months later by stating publicly that many people were now too scared to receive DPT shots, and therefore these respective disease rates were rapidly climbing.”

The DPT “vaccine” contains formaldehyde (embalming fluid for dead bodies), mercury (one of the most potent neurotoxins known to man), and aluminum phosphate (a potent carcinogen). DPT is linked by endless research with dementia and nervous system breakdown disorders like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. “By age 6, vaccinated children receive 125 times the safe limit of mercury set by the Environmental Protection Agency!” And you are allowing it to be injected into your children?!?

“Protection” via “vaccination” is an ugly superstition that must be discarded!