Pellagra was labeled a “contagious disease” until they found out it was a nutritional deficiency. Most “diseases” are often the result of a vitamin deficiency (as seen above). Typhoid, Cholera, Yellow Fever, and other “infectious diseases” disappeared when people were provided clean water and sanitation. Most “diseases,” including Measles, were the cause of poverty, malnutrition, crowded living conditions, and generally poor health. As soon as living conditions were improved (cleaner drinking water, fresher foods, better nutritional information, less crowding of living spaces, sanitation removal, plumbing, etc.), these “diseases” began to decline. Polio was/is associated with DDT and other toxins. Toxins and poisons and deficiencies are more frequently the cause of what people call “viruses,” which aligns more scientifically with the Terrain Model.
“Diseases of any kind are crises of purification, of toxic elimination. Symptoms are the natural defenses of the body. We call them diseases, but in fact they are the cure of diseases.” —Hippocrates (c. 460 - c. 370 BC), father of medicine
“The primary cause of disease is in us, always in us.” —Antoine Béchamp
“If virulent [hostile] germs were normal in the atmosphere, how numerous would be the occasions for their penetration independently by way of the lungs and intestinal mucus! There would not be a wound, however slight, the prick even of a pin, that would not be the occasion for infecting us with smallpox, typhus, syphilis, gonorrhoea.” —Antoine Béchamp
“If the ‘germ theory of disease’ were correct, there’d be no one living to believe it.” —B. J. Palmer
“What the medical cartel calls disease is nothing more than a natural process of toxic elimination.” —Dr. William P. Trebing
“One of the best ways to ensure your child’s health is to allow them to get sick. At first, hearing this concept may sound outrageous. Yet, childhood illnesses, such as measles, mumps, and even whooping cough, may be of benefit to a child’s developing immune system, and it is inadvisable to suppress these illnesses with vaccines. Evidence is also accumulating that routine childhood vaccinations may directly contribute to the emergence of chronic problems such as eczema, ear infections, asthma, and bowel inflammations.” —Philip Incao, MD
“Contracting and overcoming childhood diseases are a part of a developmental process that actually helps develop a healthy, robust, adult immune system able to meet the challenges that inevitable encounters with viruses and bacteria will present later on.” —Harris Coulter, PhD
"Medical doctors are working on the germ theory of disease... But the germ theory is already weakening and is due for being thrown aside. Dr. Fraser of Canada and Dr. Powell of California have experimented with billions of germs of all varieties, but they have been unable to produce a single disease by the introduction of germs into human subjects. Dr. Waite tried for years to prove the germ theory, but he could not do so. During the World War an experiment was conducted at Gallop's Island Massachusetts, in which millions of influenza germs were injected into over one hundred men at the Government hospital, and no one got the flu. Germs are scavengers." —E. W. Cordingley, M.D., N.D., A.M., Principles and Practice of Naturopathy
"We said before that so-called 'germs' are ubiquitous. They are ever present, in many varying forms in both healthy and sick people. These microbes kick into what modern scientists call 'pathogens,' when the media is toxic and conducive to clean up. When you enter into a healing crisis, and your body is throwing off toxins, these 'germs' appear out of your very substance, to help eliminate, process and break down these toxins. Germs have absolutely no causal relationship to disease. But germs do appear to help you clean out, because put quite simply, your disease is your cure!" —Dr. William P. Trebing, Good-Bye Germ Theory, p.154
"... Viruses are simply the excretions of a toxic cell. Viruses are pieces of DNA or RNA, with a few other proteins. They butt out from the cell. They happen when the cell is poisoned. They are not the cause of anything." —Thomas Cowan, M.D. on Rudolf Steiner's insights.
"The entire fabric of the germ theory of disease rests upon assumptions which not only have not been proved, but which are incapable of proof, and many of them can be proved to be the reverse of truth. The basic one of the unproven assumptions, wholly due to Pasteur, is the hypothesis that all the so-called infections and contagious disorders are caused by germs." —M. L. Leverson, M.D
"Three criteria are, according to the scientific method, needed to properly identify a virus. It must be isolated from a host cell. As of 2016 this has never been accomplished in humans. It must be photographed and its diameter measured. As of 2016 this has never been accomplished in humans. It must be biochemically characterized. As of 2016 this has never been accomplished in humans. This has never been done with any virus (herpes, hepatitis, H1N1, bird flu, swine flu, influenza, polio, measles) let alone HIV, HPV, SARS, Zika or Ebola. The colorful photographs seen online are CGG's (computer generated graphics) – meaning they are 'interpretations.'" —Dr. Neal Smookler, "How Much is that Dogma in the Window?" New Medicine Online
"We agree with those members of the profession who hold that no germ causes tuberculosis. Germs do not cause any disease. Further, we agree that there is more harm in the fear of germs than there is in the germs themselves." —Simon Louis Katzoff, M.D., Timely Truths on Human Health, 1921
"The general public have been told that we do not become ill except when germs penetrate into from without. The germ theory of disease is ridiculous." —E. Douglas Hume, Bechamp or Pasteur: A lost chapter in the History of Biology
"You're working under a wrong premise to begin with and you're never going to find the answer if you do that. Viruses have no nucleus. There's no respiratory system. There's no circulatory system. There's no digestive system. Viruses are not alive. That's like saying soap is alive. They're not alive. They are solvents. They are soaps. However, more accurately, they are enzymes to fractionate tissue for waste elimination." —Aajonus Vonderplanitz
"We must infer that at least some and probably all three of those Russian peasants died because of Pasteur's vaccine, as did uncounted people later on....Only one thing is sure: ever since Pasteur developed his "vaccine," the cases of death from rabies have increased, not diminished." —Hans Ruesch
"In 1915, another medical doctor wrote an article for the top British medical journal Lancet. Dr. Montais studied 21 cases of tetanus, each of whom had received Pasteurian inoculation. The conclusion of the article, which appeared in the 23 Oct 1915 issue, was that in every case, the tetanus had been caused by the inoculation. Dr. Montais said that "Pasteur had created a new form of disease." " —Tim O'Shea, The Post-Antibiotic Age: Germ Theory
"The culprit however, is not the microbe. It is the level of toxicity you have in your own blood stream." —Dr. William P. Trebing, Good-Bye Germ Theory
"In all that I have witnessed inside and outside of laboratories, there is only one cause of disease: Industrial pollution in medication, food, air, soil and water. Strengthening a body's constitution and lymphatic system is the first step to reversing/curing disease" —Aajonus Vonderplantiz
"Germs cannot be the cause of disease, because disease germs are also found in healthy bodies." —H. Lindlahr, M.D., Nature Cure
"What’s happening is, like I said, we have colds, which are mainly bacterial, which go feed on toxic tissue that's been damaged – we don't eat well enough, we don't eat all raw and therefore we accumulate toxicity. So bacteria have to come in and eat that waste product because we can't keep up with all the waste. OK. So that’s what a cold is. Flu is mainly viral. Some bacteria may be active during flu. Some areas of our bodies may not be so contaminated that bacteria - the natural way that we cleanse with bacteria when we're overloaded with toxicity or waste products, will help us. But when we are so toxic that the bacteria are poisoned by the tissue, from chemical inundation, then we have to make solvents. Each cell makes a solvent. Each cell makes a soap to help clean itself. And it's a union. It's like a factory. All the particular cells get together and say, "Let's make this to help clean ourselves." So they make enzymes which we will call soap to do that. So there’s nothing dormant about it. It's just that when the accumulation of industrially contaminated waste is so great and you can't use microbes then the cells make solvents, that is, viruses we call flu." —Aajonus Vonderplanitz
"Any kind of flu is the same thing. When the climate and temperature are right, certain tissues will cleanse. They may have a 7-years cycle. They may have a 6-months cycle. It depends upon the tissue and how contaminated it is. If certain tissue needs to cleanse every two years, our bodies will create, if waste tissue is too toxic for mircrobes, our bodies will create a solvent (a virus) that fractionates and cleanses that particular tissue every two years, every 6 months, every 3 months, every 7 years, every 12 years, depending upon that tissue and how contaminated it is. The myth that herpes is contagious is pharmaceutical industry fiction to scare you into taking medication." —Aajonus Vonderplanitz
"Rudolph Virchow, a great German scientist, repudiated the germ theory of disease. He said that disease brought on germs rather than the germs caused disease. Claude Bernard, Bechamp and Tissot - great French scientists - all disproved the germ theory of disease. In Hans Selye's book Stress of Life (Page 205), an account is recorded that Louis Pasteur, inventor of the germ theory of disease, admitted he was wrong. Sanitation is the only factor that has reduced the spread of the old-time scourges. If the germ theory were founded on facts, there would be no living being to read what is here in written, for germs are ubiquitous - they exist everywhere. In many diseases supposedly caused by a specific germ, that germ is not present. Contrariwise, specific germs said to cause a specific disease are present in huge proportions without the specific disease manifesting itself." —Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D.
“...inventing the risk of a disastrous epidemic, incriminating an elusive pathogen, ignoring alternative toxic causes, manipulating epidemiology with non-verifiable numbers to maximize the false perception of an imminent catastrophe, and promising salvation with vaccines. This guarantees large financial returns. But how is it possible to achieve all of this? Simply by relying on the most powerful activator of human decision-making process—FEAR!” —Torsten Engelbrecht and Clays Kohlein, Virus Mania
This is not all that can be said about “viruses,” which they have misidentified and mischaracterized.
You cannot “catch” a virus! You cannot “catch” anything from someone else breathing, coughing, or sneezing on you or in your direction! No virus has ever been isolated, purified, and characterized, and proven to cause disease, let alone spread from person to person. None! Go ahead and send a FOI (Freedom of Information) request to any Public Health institution and ask them for any and all records of evidence-based scientific data that demonstrates unequivocally that they have isolated/purified any of the viruses. The response you will receive is that they “could find no such records.”
Two doctors, Dr. Fraser of Canada and Dr. Powell of California, experimented with billions of germs of all varieties, but they have never been able to produce a single disease in anyone when introducing the germs by natural means into human subjects.
Dr. Waite tried for years to prove “germ theory,” but had zero success.
“Of all germ-distributors, the most notorious was Dr Arthur W. Waite, who, in the year 1916, was an embarrassment to medical science. In his bacteriological laboratory, he had billions of germs. Waite planned to kill his father-in-law, John E. Peck, 435 Riverside Drive, New York City. He fed the old man germs of Diptheria, but got no results. He induced Peck to use a nasal spray, in which he had planted colonies of the germs of tuberculosis. Not a cough. He fed the old man calomel, to weaken his resistance. He turned loose hordes of germs of typhoid, and then influenza. In desperation, he lost all standing in the annals of distinctive crimes, and went common, or used arsenic. The old-fashioned method was a success. One’s impression is that, if anything, diets and inhalations of germs may be healthful.” —Charles Fort
Even Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch could not find evidence of contagion using his four postulates. Interestingly enough, he abandoned his first postulate when he discovered carriers of cholera and typhoid fever who did not get sick. Bacteriologists and virologists today believe his postulates have been recognized as largely obsolete by epidemiologists since the 1950s.
Thomas Rivers dropped Koch’s first postulate and modified the remainder of postulates in order to determine the infectiousness of viruses. Unfortunately, researchers still cannot prove a specific virus causes a specific illness or disease using Rivers’ postulates.
No disease attributed to bacteria or “viruses” has ever met all of Koch’s or Rivers’ postulates. These do not cause disease! (Not in the way that Germ Theory postulates, anyway.)
“That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.” —Terry Allen
The onus is on those making the claims that viruses exist to prove they exist.
FACT: No one in the entire world has ever isolated, purified, or characterized any “virus,” thereby proving its existence!
FACT: Neither Koch’s postulates nor Rivers’ postulates, which are completely logical, have ever been completely met in order to prove “contagion” from either bacteria, germs, or “viruses”!
FACT: No bacteria, germ, or “virus” has ever been demonstrated and proven, using the scientific method, to be “contagious” and spread from person to person!
FACT: “Viruses” have been misidentified and mischaracterized. What they are identifying as “viruses” are merely dead cell debris eaters.
FACT: All the images and animations they show us are just that; they have never been witnessed using any kind of microscope, which is what the scientific method requires.
As soon as people come to grips with reality and accept these facts, instead of impaling them on their blind convictions of established dogma, the better humanity will be for it.
If and when a bacterium appears, it is not because someone “caught” it. It is because the cells in our body use the bacteria to cleanse out the toxicity that we have either ingested or inhaled. This can be observed from the pleomorphic nature of bacteria in how they change shape according to their environment, as amply demonstrated from the work of Pierre Jacques Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908). The presence of a microbe does not mean it is the cause of disease; rather, it is a symptom of disease.
“Germ Theory” is simply untrue. We are being repeatedly poisoned and it is all based on complete deception and fabrication. The Terrain is everything!
Here is how the superstition of modern “medicine” using smoke and mirrors actually works:
“We have never isolated, purified, or characterized a single ‘virus,’ or proven that one is the actual cause of any disease. So, you will just have to trust us that they exist and are ‘contagious.’”
“We know that the ‘virus’ infects and kills humans even though we have never tested the ‘virus’ on humans because that would be unethical. Therefore, we do our testing on animals, even though when we test animals they do not get sick, because they are not proper ‘hosts’ for the ‘virus.’ So, you will just have to trust us.”