Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Abuse at Grace Community Church

This story is not the least bit surprising:

The more I see and hear coming out of John MacArthur's Grace Community Church, the least surprised I am and the more I realize just how much they do not know how to "love justice, do mercy, and walk humbly." One person on Twitter wrote, "I don't care how good your doctrine is, if your character is trash you are not fit to be a pastor." This is absolutely true. However, considering that the apostle Paul identified "sound doctrine" as your behaviour, your conduct (Titus 2:1-10), and not a set of "beliefs," if your character is trash it is because your theology is trash and you have no sound doctrine to begin with. (To say nothing of the fact that the "pastor" is not supposed to exist in the first place and has to be eisegeted into the Scriptures.) Look at the lives of Martin Luther and John Calvin for evidence of this. These men were the way they were because of their theology.

I am convinced of two things.

  1. Many of the men who guide the large denominational affiliations (like synods) and other large evangelical organizations are money-driven, power-hungry, self-serving, and crooked.
  2. Many of the insiders who have been witnesses to #1 are convinced that the church is better off if nobody knows just how wicked the men who are driving the bus (or train) actually are.

Yes, John MacArthur is guilty of narcissism and bullying, being full of ego and full of pride, believing his own press, but his right hand trigger man, Phil Johnson, is far worse. I have read and listened to Phil Johnson multitudes of times to know that this is the kind of character (or lack thereof) that he possesses. Any time he cannot answer, debate, or refute someone's questions or concerns, he lashes out with rank IMAX-level projection, slander, ad hominem, name calling, and character assassination attempts. He is incapable of having a serious, mature, respectful, intelligent, rational, honest conversation, being unable to argue the main point or even provide a reasonable refutation or an intelligent counter-argument, because he is just an egotistical narcissistic bully. He is a modern-day Pharisee with a "How dare you try to rebuke or correct me?" attitude. His blind idol-worshipping gaslighted cult followers are no better, jumping on the band wagon and carrying out the same ungodly un-Christ-like trolling behaviour.

Apart from the more obvious reasons—having a perversion, a distortion of biblical Christianity and/or rejection of the historic teachings of the Christian Church—Grace Community Church is starting to look and sound more like the most dangerous kinds of cults, where the men can do no wrong and the women and children are supposed to suck it up, knuckle under, and just submit to the abuse. "Top leaders at the church became defensive, he said, and wanted to protect MacArthur." This is the oldest tell tale sign of a cult and a cult following; wanting to protect the "leader" at all costs.

I have respected John MacArthur and Phil Johnson, but the more I listen to the words coming out of their mouth, observe their attitudes and behaviours, and what I see and hear coming out of their arena, the less respect I have for them. Apart from their positions being entirely unbiblical, the two of them have repeatedly shown themselves to be disqualified from modern-day ministry. I am certain that if we really dig, we will find all sorts of abuse committed by the "elders" of Grace Community Church. Narcissism and bullying tend to go hand in hand, and Phil Johnson has these in spades.

The scrubbing of Hohn Cho from all their websites, trying to whitewash the situation, exposes the depth of their depravity and the wickedness of their hearts. This is not godly Christ-like behaviour. This kind of behaviour has Phil Johnson's name written all over it. The fact John MacArthur said, "Forget it," when prompted by Hohn Cho to do the right thing speaks volumes as to his ego and pride. That the elders would tell him to walk back his conclusions or resign demonstrates that they are not interested in obeying the teachings of Jesus. Humble themselves and admit error? God forbid! John MacArthur's the Evangelical Pope, don't ya know?

"Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin." James 4:17

Holding to an almalgamated Calvinistic and Dispensational bankrupt system of theology, Grace Community Church's counsel is anything but "biblical, charitable, supportive, and liberating," as they attempted to claim in a statement made this year, and the "church's history and congregation are a testimony." Beware the teacher bearing verses! Rather than deal with issues legitimately, they attempt to gaslight and abuse the victims into submission. How come they do not sit down with the abuser and quote a bunch of verses to them? Why do they not teach biblical separation, as Paul does in 1 Corinthians 7, in order to protect the victims and get the abuser the help they need in order to be reconciled as Paul also mentions?

These people do not actually know King Jesus. They have a bunch of head knowledge, yes, but nothing lived out practically in their lives. They have sought to become "wise and intelligent" concerning the Scriptures but have become grand fools instead, ignoring the very words that would make them wise. They are not obedient to the words of Jesus, imitating His character and conduct. They talk the talk but refuse to walk the walk. A man who knows the Bible is no match for a man who lives it! Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to walk the narrow road.

None of this is written to condemn them, but to expose them so that they and their gaslighted followers who worship them as idols may be convicted and repent. It is less likely that the "leaders" of Grace Community Church do so, as ego and pride produce narcissism, which leads to bullying because these individuals do not want to give up their power, position, popularity, or pay check. But maybe, just maybe, some of the members and followers of these people will see them for who and what they really are, be convicted of the Word of God and repent of their own behaviour in gaslighting and trolling others who have called out and exposed these "leaders."

This goes for the entire Pat-on-the-Back Club surrounding MacArthur, such as Justin Peters, Todd Friel, Chris Rosebrough, J. D. Hall, etc. Abuse has been exposed related to each of these men (especially the latter two), disqualifying them from any sort of ministry. But do you think any of these men will relinquish their ministry? Not on your life! They are full of ego, pride, and narcissism. Any people reading this and calling themselves "Christians" should examine their own lives. Are you walking humbly with God? Are you imitating Jesus by living out sound doctrine? If not, then it is time you repent and make some changes to your life. How can you expect to be a light to this world, to be salt to this world, if the world cannot tell that you have been with Jesus?

First Peter 4:8 says that "love covers a multitude of sins," but this does not mean sweeping them under the carpet, ignoring them, and pretending they do not exist. Love is willing to forgive wrongdoings, but doing the right things needs to be sought earnestly. Repentance needs to take place. But perhaps, like many Dispensationalists, John MacArthur and Grace Community Church believe that repentance is not actually required for anything. These people need to step down. When you hear MacArthur's teachings and then look at his own conduct, he is a raging hypocrite. Hohn Cho is more qualified to be in these unbiblical positions than individuals like John MacArthur and Phil Johnson. Cho actually understands Scripture, biblical principles, and wants to obey the Word.

There is so much more I could say about this (and other issues), but I think this is sufficient. Any genuine Christian who dwells in God's Word daily and reads this case (or others) can easily see the problems and the abuse dished out by the "elders" of Grace Community Church. Bill Shannon especially with his misquoting and misapplying Scripture, twisting it to blame, gaslight, and shame the victim. All of these are demonstrative evidences of why our model of "church" should not exist in the first place (nothing like it existed during the first three centuries of the early Christians) and why all issues are presented before the entire congregation and dealt with as a whole. If Grace Community Church and its "leaders" had a clue about biblical principles, they would know all of this.

Grace Community Church, its "leaders," and especially its people (and anyone who follows or associates with them) need our prayers. They need strong faithful people to speak into their lives. If the "elders" refuse to listen, they should be forced out. We all know how they will respond, though, because they are indeed a cult, no different from any other cult out there. May the Lord have mercy on their disobedience, rebellion, and unrepentance.

If you wonder about Eileen's character, feel free to read this: