Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Dispensationalism Debunked

To all my Dispensational brothers and sisters who have been conditioned to believe fairy tale interpretations and the lies of the Devil:

"In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever." Daniel 2:44

I hate to break it to you, but this has already been fulfilled! (Mark 1:14-15)

If you are going to insist that the 70th week of Daniel has not yet been fulfilled and is still future, then please go read Daniel 9:24-27 and ask yourself these questions:

  • In which week did Messiah's multi-year ministry take place?
  • In which week did Messiah die for our sins?

If you are the least bit honest with the text, you will admit that the only place for those events is in the 70th week. Daniel's 70 weeks have already been fulfilled! There is no debate here.

According to Jesus, those who are 'taken' are taken in judgment (paralambano [used by Luke]) and death (airo [used by Matthew]). Those who are 'left' are pardoned/forgiven (apheimi). When the disciples asked, "Where?", Jesus said, "Where the bodies are, there the vultures gather."
There is no "rapture"!

There is no "rapture" in 1 Corinthians 15! The entire chapter has to do with the resurrection.
There is no "rapture" in 1 Thessalonians 4! Verses 13-18 (ripped out of context) sound like they support the "Rapture," but the entire book has to do with the resurrection.

"The Greek 'tereo...ek' in Revelation 3:10 means The Rapture."

Oh, really??? So how to you explain the use of 'tereo...ek' in John 17:15? "I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to [take them out of the world] from the evil one." Hmm... Eisegete much?

re: Revelation 3:10
This promise was already fulfilled literally and verbatim! Learn your history!!! Philadelphia escaped the persecutions of Trajan because it was subject to earthquakes and the Emperor was afraid to go there. This was the secondary cause, as God's promise was the primary cause.

Are you aware that, according to Scripture, there are three (3) different "great tribulation" mentioned in Scripture? The context surrounding each lets you know they are in no way related (unless you're a Dispensationalist who quotes Scripture like a Jehovah's Witness).

  • The one mentioned in the synoptic Gospels had to do with the destruction of Jerusalem and was fulfilled in AD 70!
  • The one mentioned concerning Thyatira was fulfilled between the years of 538 and 1798 when the saints and the Scriptures were nearly wiped out by the antichrist beast Popes. Saints were tortured and tens of millions were killed during the Dark Ages and Inquisition, by command of the Popes.
  • The last one is not dealing with unbelieving Jews, but concerns believers "from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues." This tribulation accords with the 5th seal. 6:11 says they were given white robes; 7:13-14 says they were clothed in white robes. Also fulfilled.

"The time of Jacob's Distress" (Jer. 30:7) is not your imaginary "7-year Great Tribulation"!

Learn to read!!!

Start reading in chapter 25 and continue reading through 31. The context is unmistakable. It is talking about the 70-year Babylonian captivity!
70 years vs. "7 Years"!

A Quick Reference for Those Too Lazy to Read:

  • Jeremiah 25:11-12
  • Jeremiah 29:10
  • Jeremiah 29:28
  • Jeremiah 29:31
  • Jeremiah 30:1-9

Do not be a stubborn mule clinging to your bankrupt theology. Conform to the truth of the Word of God! Choose obedience over disobedience and rebellion.

In AD 538, Vigilius ascended the papal chair. Exactly 1260 years later (a day for a year; Num. 14:34; Ezek. 4:6), in AD 1798, Napolean Bonaparte's General Berthier abolished the papal government. This was the "fatal wound" mentioned in Revelation, which was "healed" in 1929.

The "forehead/right hand" terminology occurs 3 times in the Old Testament. The "mark on their right hand or on their forehead" corresponds to what you believe and how you behave. It is notnor will it ever be—a "microchip" or "tattoo"! It is reverence (thoughts) and obedience (actions).

Answer me this:
When Jesus returns, He will judge sin and death. How can sin and death possibly exist in the Millennial Kingdom? Only blood-bought saints will be there. Explain how there is a revolt at the end. Apparently Jesus' blood is insufficient to save from sin.

If you believe in a magical "rapture," a "7-year great tribulation," and a "1000-year millennial kingdom," you are extremely delusional and biblically illiterate. Stop following proof text  methodology, eisegesis (a reading into Scripture that which is not there), and the twisting of Scripture, and start paying attention to context. You've been lied to!!!

If you are not mad at those people who lied to you for years, but you are mad at me for proving they lied to you, you are a special kind of dumb.

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