Saturday, August 26, 2023

Gaslighted Trolls

A Litmus Test for Idolatry:
The people (preachers, "scholars" ["experts"], theologians) whom you cannot stand others even remotely or fairly critiquing are your idols. The way that gaslighted followers passionately defend their various false teachers and cult leaders is extremely heartbreaking.

Gaslighted followers do not like when you question the establishment (organized religious institutions), and least of all their "leaders." They would rather believe their particular dogma utilizing random isolated verses of Scripture mashed together to create some man-made doctrine than to actually believe Jesus, the Scriptures, and/or the early Christians.

When you call out the cowardly "leaders" of the establishment (such as John MacArthur, Phil Johnson, Justin Peters, Todd Friel, James White, Chris Rosebrough, J. D. Hall, etc.), two things are inevitably going to occur:

  1. the "leaders," because the truth is not on their side, and they are incapable of having a serious, mature, respectful, intelligent, rational, honest conversation, being unable to argue the main point or even provide a reasonable refutation or an intelligent counter-argument, will resort to denial, deflection, projection, manipulation, smearing, gaslighting, jamming, framing, slander, ad hominem, name calling, character assassination, intimidation, bullying, and the use of fallacious arguments that have no basis in reality; and
  2. the gaslighted followers of these false teachers and cult leaders, because the truth is not on their side either, and they are equally incapable of having a serious, mature, respectful, intelligent, rational, honest conversation, being unable to argue the main point or even provide a reasonable refutation or an intelligent counter-argument, will start trolling you, engaging in the same denial, deflection, projection, manipulation, smearing, gaslighting, jamming, framing, slander, ad hominem, name calling, character assassination, intimidation, bullying, and the use of fallacious arguments that have no basis in reality.

This tells you everything you need to know about them and their theology. These people are quick to bare false witness against someone they do not like and unrighteously defend people they do like. That is a sign of having zero (0) integrity and a sign of being a terrible human being. One person on Twitter wrote, "I don't care how good your doctrine is, if your character is trash you are not fit to be a pastor." This is true. However, considering that the apostle Paul identified "sound doctrine" as your behaviour, your conduct (Titus 2:1-10), and not a set of "beliefs," if your character is trash it is because your theology is trash and you have no sound doctrine to begin with. All you have to do is look to Martin Luther and John Calvin for evidence of this. These men were the way they were because of their theology.

Most Christians do not know how to debate. Regardless, you cannot debate most Christians (or anybody, really) out of their belief system. More often than not it is too ingrained in them and they are too competitive to objectively evaluate their world view or system of theology. In most cases, they are also unwilling to do so. If they come up against an argument they cannot answer, they will never admit it to their opponent because they have given place to pride. "I've fought too hard to defend this, I can't recant now."

Most Christians only saturate themselves with those preachers and authors who reinforce their already existing presuppositions, preconceived ideas, and biases. I cannot imagine how so many Christians go through their entire lives without ever thinking they could be wrong about what they believe. Regardless of how I was raised, what I was taught, or what I might presently believe, I am always praying that God conform me to His Word. A mature student, a Berean at heart who studies to rightly divide the word of truth, studies the opposition's viewpoint in order to understand it fully and correctly and to represent it accurately. If you are not willing to study an opponent's position (or any subject) deeply and thoroughly, and represent it honestly, then you have no right attempting to speak on or against it with your blind ignorant subjective opinions. Either learn everything you can about it so you can speak accurately, or shut up!

"It is a small and narrow mind that is afraid to change; it is a sign of greatness that one is prepared to admit at times that one has been mistaken, and that therefore you have had to change your position." ―David Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Most Christians are emotionally charged and cannot be objective in discussions about their denomination and/or system of theology. This is especially true of those who have made a living by, and developed their identity around, a particular set of beliefs. Because admitting they were mistaken will most likely cost them their reputation, their "friends," their ministry connections, etc., they are overcome with pride. They are more likely to double down in their error than to confess and recant of it.

For the same reason, when you expose that these "leaders" have been guilty of proof text methodology, eisegesis, and twisting the Scriptures, rather than correct themselves and their erroneous beliefs, they will engage in the behaviour I described above, even going so far as to label you a "heretic," simply because their power, position, popularity, pay check, and especially their pride, are at risk. They will attack others in order to try and save face. Is that how they learned Christ Jesus?

Compared to their false religious systems, of course they would consider me a "heretic." When you believe a lie, of course the truth will appear "heretical" to you. When you are insane, of course sane people will appear "heretical" to you. If you are an agoraphobic mysophobe (germaphobe), of course everyone else not constantly paranoid of bacteria will seem out of their mind to you. When compared to the beliefs, practices, and traditions of the apostles and the early Christians, however, these "leaders" are the real heretics. Observe the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses; they believe complete and utter nonsense (Mormon's believe Jesus is Lucifer's spiritual brother), and yet every other mainstream or evangelical denomination is considered a cult to them.

These "leaders" do not know how to lose; they do not know how to lay their lives down; they do not know how to die. They have never been broken; they have never been crushed. They are dangerous. They will defend themselves and attack those who sleight them at the drop of a hat; and their gaslighted followers will attempt to defend them, too, trolling whoever called them out. They do not know what it means to be silent. They do not know how divinity reacts to pressure. They are unbroken, they do not know how to lose, they do not know how to die, they do not know how to be humble, and they are out there serving the kingdom of God with one hand and destroying God's people with the other hand. None of these "leaders" were ever in community long enough for the Lord to temper, adjust, break, or transform them. Some of them, when things got hot, they left, they ran away. This is not how we have learned Christ Jesus. These "leaders" are full of ego and full of pride, and when they are under pressure the flesh gets exposed. Some of them have believed their own press for too long.

I know how difficult it is to remain silent in the midst of false accusations and lies. I know how desperately we desire to defend ourselves and our name. I tend not to care what others think or say about me, but sometimes I fall into this trap. I find that when we give in to the temptation of reacting and defending ourselves, it is because we are out of step with the Spirit and not walking, or living, in a manner that we ought to be, a manner consistent with the teachings of the New Testament. Only when we are lead by the Spirit, when we are walking by the Spirit, are we able to resist the temptation to react and remain silent. If people want to bad mouth you, let them. If you are in the right, if the truth is on your side, it will prevail and God will avenge you.

Narcissism and bullying behaviour go hand in hand. Perceived personal power is the primary goal, whether they are self-aware of it or not. People are viewed as a means to gaining or keeping that power. A narcissist cannot handle anything or anyone that threatens that illusion. These kinds of bullies existed during Jesus' days (Pharisees, Sadducess, and Scribes), and they exist in our day (preachers, "scholars," and theologians). The people in the pulpit and the "elders" bully the members of the congregation to keep them in line and maintain the institution no matter what. Anyone who challenges these "leaders" is turned on and the gaslighted trolls start bullying them as well.

So many of our "leaders" are disqualified from ministry. Not only do they possess a character that is trash because of their theology, but several aspects of their theology were also labeled as heresy by the early Christians, having originated from the Gnostics.

Tell me, why do false teachers always have right hand men to pull the trigger for them and defend their godless behaviour?

  • Martin Luther had Philip Melanchthon
  • John Calvin had William Farel
  • Dave Hunt had Thomas Ice
  • John MacArthur has Phil Johnson
  • James "Jacob" Prasch has David Lister

By the way, I am not saying that everything these "leaders" have to say is bad or wrong. But when they are called out on a particular attitude, behaviour, error, or heresy, their gaslighted followers should not be attempting to troll the righteous person calling them out. This exposes their own idolatry and sin and how blind and deceived they are, hanging on every word that drips from the lips of their "leaders." Carefully read through the New Testament and take note of all the passages addressing your attitude, behaviour, conduct, and idolatry of your "leaders." You have some repenting and apologizing to do.

I am sorry if you do not have the character, integrity, honor, or fortitude to be able to acknowledge your wrong doctrines and beliefs and to humbly conform them, and yourself, to biblical truth. That is a you problem. You are the one who will stand before God and give account. We are to conform ourselves entirely to Scripture; Scripture never conforms to us! It boggles my mind how so many Christians are afraid of admitting they could be or were wrong and of changing themselves. Pride truly is the grandest of all sins.

You "leaders" of a corrupt and unbiblical establishment and your gaslighted troll followers can hate me and attack me all you want. I know your character (or lack thereof), and your blind followers imitate your godless behaviour. Even amidst your false interpretations and heresy, I choose to love you as I was commanded to do. You do realize that if your "doctrine" or theology does not change you on the inside and result in your exterior attitude, behaviour, and conduct changing, your "faith" is godless, useless, worthless, and in vain, right? I suggest you go back and re-read Jesus' words (especially the sermon on the mount) and pay extremely close attention to them. Then be obedient to them and put them into practice. May the favour of God rest upon you as you do so.

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